A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation
A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

549 Chapters 4.74M Views 15.2K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Tremendous. 549 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


On the way to a company workshop, we fell into a world of immortal cultivators while still in the car.

Those with spiritual roots and unique abilities were all called to join cultivation sects, living prosperously.

But I, having neither spiritual roots nor special abilities, lived as an ordinary mortal for 50 years, complying with fate until my death.

That’s what I thought.

Until I regressed.

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The novel is translated by WeTried Translations / TranslatingNovice.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 378: With Everyone (2)
: 2 comments on Chapter 41: Qi Refining (1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 377: Spoiler
: 3 comments on Chapter 331: Axis (5)
: 2 comments on Chapter 376: At The Sea (6)
  • Saviour 19

    This novels strength is the MC's humanity. He doesn't do anything demonic. He cherishes everyone and is willing to abandon everything to save a friend. The MC is pretty dumb though, and only wins on his 2nd+ try, never on his first. However he doesn't exploit his regression as a tool. His entire outlook is that it's a curse where he'll never be truly remembered by those he loves. MC suffers endlessly but remains human. There is romance but it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. As when he dies, that version of his lover won't exist anymore. Not a harem 👍 Give it a try

  • francis_kg 50

    D*mn this novel is so peak I have a foot fetish no-

    • FeelinIll 14

      Bro I'm pretty sure the author himself developed a foot fetish while creating this 😭

  • Coral_the_sea 4

    Bro, Chapter 536: Severing Heaven (斷天) (4). Truly Ultimate Pinnacle. Philosophy and writing defeat Reverend Insanity. [Like combining all intentions turns them colorless...] [Embrace all connections and become impermanence.] Crystal Glass to Treading Sea (玻瓈蹈海成). Ultimate Intent (極意). Immortal Arts (仙術). [Impermanence Sword (無常劍).]

    Edited: 1d~
  • Yasuzed 2

    Just tell me when he reaches check point/is insta killing puppet master and sea dragon and saving everyone if this hasnt happen yet then i dont wanna bother reading.

    • Texas_two 2

      the two points are done

    • themannwholived 1

      fellow daoist sea dragon is not that weak

    • erteyb 35

      Insta-killing Seo Hweol 😭 Bro hasn't read the name of the latest chapter

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  • Wheel_of_fortune 1

    Holy I jusr realized authors name is Tremendous..

  • havesomesmoke 1

    this cockroach seo hyul still breathing?

  • ThePhantomCodex 1

    i was up to about 370ish last I caught up is it worth breaking the stack now? Also does anyone know what the release schedule is like?

    • CarlosCosta14 1

      chapter every day, except sometimes on Friday. Only on this website does it take a lot of time to post the chapters, but on the official translation website they are all up to date

      Edited: 3d
    • HypePanda 5

      Id say its worth it now

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  • francis_kg 50

    Seo Hweol is Amon but on another dimension. That's why I love him. Sadly he met mc with his "I only need to win one time" ability. Given, he didn't really win. He did learn all his tricks by the end. The [Name] merchant won in the end. Goated

  • DemonOfHopelessness 17

    Rtoc would've been so much better if half the novel wasn't being focused on a watered down aizen character Not even hate he made me drop the novel

    • SSSKidnapedYeoromFan 12

      Ong he has more screen time than seo eun. Like we should've had his first arc, and then have a second final arc a few hundred chaps later. Like he's such a cockroach and made me force stack the novel for over 5 months. Literally the only character I think is poorly written, and he appears the most out of anyone.

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Exactly I like the character honestly but I don't like how he's EVERYWHERE. It disgusts me to my f*ck*ng core.

    • Hejor2109 1

      aizen and seo hweol are both very different characters, I don't understand how could you compare them tbh, I mean SEO hweol is very well written from the backstory, the plot twist and even the scheming,I just don't understand the hate to him, mainly from you, it just seems you want to start a fight and trigger everybody, but for me SEO hweol has been the best character I have ever witnessed since the recent chapter, not a fanboy of the novel but the writing is just the best, tell me your best argument and I'll listen and if you don't then you failed to meet my criteria, and just want to start an argument

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        I do actually wanna call out this again. Me comparing him to aizen is js a metaphor not a literal comparison. Again. He's an amazingly well written character, not an antagonist. You hear what I'm saying? I don't hate his character, I hate how he's supposed to be an antagonist.

      • Hejor2109 1

        Your good bro, honestly i have no hate to anyone to hating the novel and even the characters, honestly just wanted to correct you based on what you said because from the recent chapters seo hweol is very different from aizen just from the position and goal alone is what made them different, also seo hweol is acting upon based on seeking the truth he wants to find a purpose on his existence and didnt find it when he glimpsed upon the head realm he was merely a virtual existence manifested in to a reality but he became real when he merged with seo ran and realized what love is and killed himself isnt that beautiful,

      • freebrojobs 15

        bro did not spin it back cause he knew you were right 🤣 Lots of novels deserve hate on this website. This isn’t one of them. Not saying there isn’t anything to criticize/improve, but that’s for literally everything in life. Mfs need to grow up

      • Hejor2109 1

        Ik bro, but saying what you were saying every person that hates also deserves correction and truth, they shouldnt be the truth,

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Nah I js lost the password to this account dw gng

    • Bob360 4

      Who's the watered down version of Aizen you're talking about🤔 is it the evil noodle? Se hweol is it or something 😅

    • CSS 2

      Do you know of any cultivation novels similar to this other than ri?

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Honestly i wouldn't say ri is similar at all. Ri is a whole different novel focused on a different concept, rtoc and ri are both cultivation, yes. They both focus on the mc mostly. But ri is like super different from rtoc 😭🙏🏾 And I do know some cultivation novels with clan/sect building stuff. But most of the cultivation novels I read are unfortunately mtl

      • CSS 2

        I worded that wrong lol, what I meant was do you know any good cultivation novels like this and ri? Both of them feel original and don't follow the same cliche. Like mcs being carried by plot, big harem, bland characters, dull plot, etc. I really love this genre but I feel like most of the stories out there are just basically the same. But do you still know any that are original and unique like these two?

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Like I said I don't read Chinese novels that are non MTL but if you want some great MTL novels I've read then I'll give them to you. Sorry for the late reply I kinda lost the password to this acc.

        Edited: 2d
      • Lost_from_Light_96 1

        Yeah we want recommendation And is this story worth it ?

      • CSS 2

        you're good and I'm would like some recommendations even if they're MTLs

    • Imp3r0rT1 1

      Seo hweol is very different. Aizen wants to be the soul king, seo hweol objectives are very different. Seo hweol after 999 cicle is the best villain in novels and one of the best characters in all fiction, aizen isn't even the best villain in mangá. The only thing they have similar is that both are manipulators, but seo hweol is in another level of writting.

      • hardeyolu 1

        Imagine talking about aizen and showing u haven't read bleach 🤣, aizen doesn't want to be the soul king, his main goal is to kill the soul king he doesn't want to be ruled by a corpse or a puppet, and he wants to remake the bleach cosmology, being the soul king isn't his main goal his goal is killing the soul king the entire point of his character is he doesn't want to be controlled 😭🙏 And he is a very grey Characters, he isn't an evil person, he is basically like everyone in bleach the only reason he is the "bad guy" is because he is going against the system 😭🙏 Pls read bleach b4 talking about aizen

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Saying seo hweol is a better written antagonist than literal aizen is crazy glaze 😭🙏🏾

      • DaoAchiever 28

        Aizen is good but he's pretty overrated because he's like one of the OG goat antagonists. There's merit in that too, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that his archetype has been done countless times since and some of them ended up better.

      • Imp3r0rT1 1

        Bro, I read bleach. Aizen is a trash compared to seo hweol after 999 cicle. Aizen is a good villain, but seo hweol and mad lord are just in another level.

      • hardeyolu 1

        Wtf u definitely haven't seen bleach 😭🙏 Better antagonist than aizen is a stretch

      • _Regressor_ 1

        aizen is way better antagonist, and let's not talk about writing because aizen solos mad lord no diff in almost every single catagory of writing.

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Yes the glaze is CRAZYYY 😭🙏🏾 On everything I cherish and love seo hweol ain't allat 😭🙏🏾

      • _Regressor_ 1

        what do you expert from fanboys? i am pretty sure half of them didn't watch bleach. aizen is best antagonist in big 3 and he is also well written.

    • TruthfulReader 8

      watered down aizen is still f*ck*ng strong bro

      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        Facts. I'm not saying he isn't. I'm not saying he should be a canon fodder villain but an antagonist exists to be an obstacle to the mc, he's supposed to push the main character further. An antagonist is made to GIVE YOU and the mc a sense of urgency and fear to improve, by any means. An antagonist can get boring after a while but if the antagonist is well executed by changing the mc and giving us more dimensions then it's super engaging for both me and you but seo hweol is by any means a very bland character. He's well written but very bland at the same time, he's like a board already filled to the brim, he doesn't help the mc change and be better he js stops the mc from growing. I js don't like that. Idk about you guys tho.

      • Nothing_buthatred 2

        An antagonist isn’t meant to exist just for the protagonist sure they exist to obstruct the protagonist in some way or form however the main role is to impact the protagonist in some way or form it doesn’t have to be cliche evil or good and everybody is a protagonist and antagonist In this series it’s just the main pov is Seo eun hyun and the people around him

      • Coral_the_sea 4

        their goals are different bro. Seo hweol uses anything for his goal, at first he looks for information about mc and sees if it will help his goal, and if mc will hinder his goal then he will eliminate it or ignore it like when he ignored mad lord. And there are no antagonists in this novel, everyone is just people who want to achieve their own goals, they don't live to stop the mc.

        Edited: 7d
      • DemonOfHopelessness 17

        I mean we can js agree to disagree I already had another conversation about this with someone.

    • Coral_the_sea 4

      who aizen?

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  • CSS 2

    Can someone give me a recommendation for a cultivation novel like this?
