Chaos' Heir
Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir

RANK 200
803 Chapters 1.91M Views 3.95K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Chaos' Heir novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Eveofchaos. 803 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


A reoccurring nightmare afflicted Khan’s nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak’s spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago.

Khan’s life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak’s toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process.

The nightmares wouldn’t let Khan forget about the Nak, so he set his mind to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 769: Time
: 1 comment on Chapter 43: Blood
: 1 comment on Chapter 736: Odd
: 1 comment on Chapter 31: Insults
: 1 comment on Chapter 340: Cek
  • User_ 6

    "The aliens should try to live in the Slums," Khan snorted. "You can buy a house with twenty food cans, but you are better off stealing an empty one while the owners are working." 💀

  • MrRightNow 4

    It was quite a ride, 7/10 for me. The romance is nice but might frustrate you. The fight scenes are good, and the character development is fine, I guess. I don't like the current persona, but I can't do anything about that. All in all, if you're looking to pass the time with a nice novel, you can read this.

  • No2_nephis_hater 11

    Here is a big tip for everyone who's going to read this: Skip Every bit of romance and ignore it completely!. It is so cancer inducing it might actually give you brain dmg Aside from that the story, combat is all good 😊

    Edited: 1mo
  • AncientVaneris 2

    Chapter 763...

  • Orangemandab 2

    Why do these chapters take so long to release?

    • jtthefirst 18

      admin neglects updating lower ranked novels in a timely manner. I've read chapter 760 yesterday and this site is only on 751

      • AncientVaneris 2

        The last chapter (761-Weak) is Fire 💀

  • Cheyrith 13

    should i or should i not? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the cr*ppy romance comments r really turning me away.

    Edited: 1mo
    • jtthefirst 18

      The romance is legit stereotypical stuff. He dates multiple women (one at a time) that's it. Sometimes the chapters focus too much on MC's romantic relations but that's it. The rest of the story is top-class anyway so it more than makes up for it

      • Cheyrith 13

        i still rly hate low grade romance give it to me straight .. how bad is it xd?

      • KnifeEarEnthusiast 5

        The romance in this novel is actually pretty surprising. Normally in webnovels romance is used to motivate the main character. Save the princess, show off in front of the beauty, you know what I'm talking about. This novel actually uses romance to develop the main character, make him figure out who he is, what he wants to be, and what he needs to become. A lot of people get angry about the MC skipping from woman to woman, but the whole point of each relationship is that Khan learns something new about himself. Depending on your sensibilities, you may dislike the story for doing this, for changing Khan through his romantic experiences. Personally, I think it's refreshing and interesting. I think the pain we endure when separated from a character we like is a sign of something going well in the writing. I'd say give it a chance. While I agree some parts focus entirely too much on his relationship and the "depth of their feelings", I think the novel is still a great read.

      • Cheyrith 13

        thanks! i might as well give 80chs a try

      • jtthefirst 18

        [Spoiler about his first gf and the rest of his romantic life later in this comment] I didn't mind it. It was all cliche stuff. The author has their moments when they focus too much on the romance but all of the women the MC has been with have been pleasant. . Most of the hate for the romance comes because of Khan's first gf. She was a good fit for the MC and they loved each other but had to break up. After that Khan had some flings and 1 or 2 relationships that never got as serious as his first. So most ppl would've preferred for MC to stick with his first gf and they hated on the rest (all of the women were nice, the hate had nothing to do with their personalities) . MC is currently in a serious relationship and she's also a fine person but she also gets hate because ppl just preferred for the MC to not break up with his first true love. . With that said this is a great novel, the action is good, the character development is good, there's plenty of comedy, give it a try

    • UnDTctive 8

      I have read DD, so, I can face all u can throw me to the face

      Edited: 1mo
      • GLUTT0NY 4

        This comment is actually the most correct thing ever. DD is absolutely cancerous with its romance so far. Stupid Aina and Yuri ruining the whole novel

      • UnDTctive 8

        I know right? In the beginning DD was funny and worth reading, but since 1800 o something like that was slowly going down till 2300, in that moment I said f*ck it

        Edited: 16d
      • GLUTT0NY 4

        10000% yeah, it's frustrating asf, great novel but it's just a cluster f*ck rn

    • View More Replies
  • asjfdaospdfij 21

    Bro speedran love

  • ZackAttack091 3

    Fair warning to any readers that wanna try this out. If you read the Author’s previous novel, birth of the demonic sword, don’t try and go into this one like how that one played out. The romance in this is boring and gets repetitive. That being said, if you can slug through the sh*tty romance then it’s a good novel

  • Naidou 11

    Can anybody recommend a story where the MC has a fighting style like the one from this novel, but with less of or without the "romance"? Something like Sanji's Black Leg Style from One Piece or Rock Lee from Naruto.

    • lightreader13 20

      Supremacy games might work for you

  • sageoftheabyss 2

    Is he back with liiza in the latest chapters?? or has he at least ended things with monica to remain single and reflect on his "eternal love" he completely forgot about a week after leaving her planet?
