Martial God Asura (Web Novel) novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Kindhearted Bee. 6090 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
Martial God Asura (Web Novel) novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Kindhearted Bee. 6090 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
‘Serial R*p*st’ needs to be made a tag on here specifically for this mc😂
let me give you some news . Author has finished writing this novel few months ago . it was completed with around 7000 something something chapters
6k+ ch?fr?i'm even tired to read 2k+ ch can u guys read this?
Is this still on air? I started it at least 5 years ago and it already had +2k episodes.
Every time I come across this novel the meme ..." This is the biggest piece of dogs**t I have ever seen" ... plays repeatedly in my head. But then ... watching authors drop great novels inspite of amazing reviews and great reception and this guy still going on without any of those is sort of admirable in a way... isn't it ?
6000ch?? bruh did this guy even met his mom yet or is it still whats keeping the story going
The fact that this is top 5 and a masterpiece like Mirror Legacy isnt even top 100 is INSANE
I feel like the reason this is ranked 8 it’s because of the ridiculous amount of chapters that it has and also the fact that it’s still on going
This already have more than 6000 chapters, and lt me guess he still didn't recover that spirit that has been stolen from him , did he?
SO why the hell is this still up here??